Bective Middle School, Northampton, East Midlands
School Capacity
Number of Teachers9-13
Age RangeN/A
Ofsted RatingBective Middle School is a community school located in locality of Kingsthorpe. It has been offering exceptional educational opportunities for students aged between 9 and 13. Based on Whiston Road, in the town of Northampton, the school is within the parliamentary constituency of Northampton North.
This is a mixed gender school with boys and girls.
Bective Middle School is part of the Not applicable, continues to served the community with distinction for many years
Bective Middle School Profile
URN | 122068 |
Education Phase | Middle Deemed Secondary |
School Type | Community school |
Age Range | 9-13 year old |
Boarders | No boarders |
Nursery Provision | Not applicable |
Official Sixth Form | Not applicable |
Gender | Mixed |
Religious Character | Does not apply |
Diocese | Not applicable |
School Max. Capacity | students |
Address | Whiston Road , NN2 7RR |
Region | East Midlands |
District | Northampton |
Town | Northampton |
Ward | St David's |
Website | |
Phone |
Other Info for Bective Middle School
- School Status
- : Closed
- Ofsted Rating
- :
- Parliamentary Constituency
- : Northampton North
- Inspectorate Name
- :
Bective Middle School Address & Location
This education institution is located in Whiston Road, St David's, Northampton, East Midlands NN2 7RR.
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Teachers & School Workforce
Bective Middle School have a total of teachers in their school, with of them are classroom teachers. Only % of them are above the age of 50. In Bective Middle School the pupil to teachers ratio is , which means 1 teacher teaches around pupils.
Teachers & Staff Composition
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Capacity vs Current Pupils
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