Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School, Brentwood, East Of England


School Capacity


Number of Teachers


Age Range


Ofsted Rating

Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School is an academy converter situated in locality of Brentwood South. It has been offering exceptional educational opportunities for students aged between 11 and 18. Located on Queen's Road, in the town of Brentwood, the school is within the parliamentary constituency of Brentwood and Ongar.

This is a girls gender school has a maximum capacity of 1047 pupils, with the school's current pupil count stands at 1036 pupils with 13 boys and 1023 girls.Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School Also has an official sixth form.

Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School is part of the Diocese of Brentwood, continues to served the community with distinction for many years, and wears its Roman Catholic character proudly.

As per the latest data, 7.50% of the students in Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School receive Free School Meals (FSM), underlining the school's commitment to providing for pupils from all walks of life.

Dr Richard Wilkin (the headteacher) leads a dedicated team of educators and staff members. The school's last Ofsted inspection was on 17-03-2023 awarding it a Good rating.

Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School Profile

Education PhaseSecondary
School TypeAcademy converter
Age Range11-18 year old
BoardersNo boarders
Nursery ProvisionNo Nursery Classes
Official Sixth FormHas a sixth form
Religious CharacterRoman Catholic
DioceseDiocese of Brentwood
School Max. Capacity1047 students
AddressQueen's Road , CM14 4EX

Other Info for Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School

School Status
: Open, since 01-10-2012
Ofsted Rating
: Good
Parliamentary Constituency
: Brentwood and Ongar
Inspectorate Name

Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School Address & Location

This education institution is located in Queen's Road, Brentwood South, Brentwood, East Of England CM14 4EX. You can call the school on 1277227156 or visit their website on

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Compare With Surrounding Schools in Brentwood

Teachers & School Workforce

Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School have a total of 68 teachers in their school, with 59 of them are classroom teachers. Only 29% of them are above the age of 50. In Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School the pupil to teachers ratio is 16.1, which means 1 teacher teaches around 16 pupils.

Teachers & Staff Composition

Pupils Comparison

A simple comparison on number of pupils currently studying in Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School.

Capacity vs Current Pupils

Boys vs Girls

Free School Meals Percentage

Pictures of Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School

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