Ysgol-y-wern, Cardiff, Wales (pseudo)

School Capacity


Number of Teachers


Age Range


Ofsted Rating

Ysgol-y-wern is a welsh establishment based in locality of Llanishen. It has been offering exceptional educational opportunities for students aged between and . Situated on Llangrannog Road, in the town of Cardiff, the school is within the parliamentary constituency of Cardiff North.

This is a not applicable gender school with boys and girls.

Ysgol-y-wern is part of the Not applicable, continues to served the community with distinction for many years

Ysgol-y-wern Profile

Education PhaseNot Applicable
School TypeWelsh establishment
Age Range- year old
BoardersNot applicable
Nursery ProvisionNot applicable
Official Sixth FormNot applicable
Religious Character
DioceseNot applicable
School Max. Capacity students
AddressLlangrannog Road , CF14 5BL

Other Info for Ysgol-y-wern

School Status
: Open
Ofsted Rating
Parliamentary Constituency
: Cardiff North
Inspectorate Name

Ysgol-y-wern Address & Location

This education institution is located in Llangrannog Road, Llanishen, Cardiff, Wales (pseudo) CF14 5BL. You can call the school on 2920762114 .

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Compare With Surrounding Schools in Cardiff

Teachers & School Workforce

Ysgol-y-wern have a total of teachers in their school, with of them are classroom teachers. Only % of them are above the age of 50. In Ysgol-y-wern the pupil to teachers ratio is , which means 1 teacher teaches around pupils.

Teachers & Staff Composition

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Pupils Comparison

A simple comparison on number of pupils currently studying in Ysgol-y-wern.

Capacity vs Current Pupils

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Boys vs Girls

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Free School Meals Percentage

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Pictures of Ysgol-y-wern

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Video of Ysgol-y-wern

Here are several videos on Youtube that might be related to Ysgol-y-wern.

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